Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

Here's to cyber friendships! Thanks to all who have left comments and sent emails in response to mine and to all who have "played" with me through exchanges, gifts, and round robins. Cheers!

PS: The fireworks is a photo of the center of the quilt, "Celebration". It was part of The Smoky Mountain Quilters submission that won the Grand Champion award in the Ultimate Challenge contest at the 2005 American Quilter's Society Show in Nashville, Tennessee. It can be seen in its entirety here along with the other seven that were submitted with it.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Illustration Friday ~ Clandestine

Maggie was the operative in countless CLANDESTINE affairs.

As she seemed to shout the word clandestine, I have reached into the archives for this week's entry for Illustration Friday.

© Nancy Lefko

Monday, December 29, 2008

Time Pieces

This past summer a friend gave me two old pocket watches. I tried to talk her into keeping them, but she'd rather I took them apart and use their workings as opposed to their continuing to take up drawer space. Sooooooo......
once I located a set of screw drivers small enough to do the job, I did. In addition I rounded up all the watches taking up drawer space in my own house to make these pins as gifts.
It astounded me that the pocket watch innards were engraved with wonderful patterns. And then there were all those fun little wheels and sprockets and "stuff".
I titled all but one of the pins "Time Piece". The foundation for each is hand dyed wool with fabric pieces (made as leaves for my mountain series) and wool roving felted into it with a felting needle.
The watch parts were stitched onto the adorned wool fabric. Then a piece of fabric stiffener cut smaller than the wool was layered between it and a backing fabric that is just black cotton. Both layers were sewn through while I attached the variegated yarn trim. A jewelry backing pin is stitched onto the back side.
I fell in love with the assortment of tiny screws. I ended up encasing them in a watch housing case with the face of a once favorite watch. It's titled "Loose Screws" and it was most tempting to keep this one for myself.
However, I could not stop thinking of my cyber friend, Paula (Self-taught Artist blog) all the while. She's the one who's creating the 100 art clock series which was the motivation for my 100 quilted lake pieces. This pin is now where it belongs ... in her possession.

I introduced my older son to Paula's clocks on her website. He was greatly intrigued and purchased two ... one as a house gift for his best friend who's a train buff and this one that hangs in his own kitchen.
I'm spending the holiday's in the kitchen with this clock and think of Paula when I check the time. So, if her ears are ringing ......

PS: I made a Christmas ornament out of the casing of the big Elgin pocket watch for my friend's tree. Instead of clockworks inside, it's filled with an antique brass filigree piece that looks like a snowflake.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Lovely Blog Award from a Lovely Blogger

I've had the pleasure, over the past few months, of getting to know the very talented Stacey Merrill of Artsnark's Artifacts. Recently, Stacey bestowed upon me this sweet blog award. Stacey and I met through an Etsy forum and we enjoy chatting and sharing ideas, inspiration and encouragement quite often. Do yourself a favor and take the time to visit Stacey's blog and the wonderful art in her Etsy shop.

In return, I will pass along this award to seven lovely blogs. It is never easy to choose seven from the vast number of blogs that set my heart a-flutter, but I shall obey the rules of the game :)

It would be time well spent to visit the lovely blogs of these fine artists:

Fannie Narte
Lisa Rivas
Pam Carriker
Kim Geiser
Aimee Dolich
Elizabeth Parsons
Kelly Jackson Brownlee

Exquisite Corpse Round 2 - Sun Mask

My Exquisite Corpse completed its rounds quite awhile before the deadline of December 20th. When it arrived I hadn't even opened Carol's. My work space was piled high with elfish duties of making and wrapping presents. I cleared a space, filled in the last section on Carol's corpse, packed hers up, and then excitedly tore into my package to reveal this piece of fabulousness.
Each talented corpse mistress in my group completed a section without having a clue to what was previously done. So those resulting alternate patterns of warm and cool hues amazes me.

The way this interesting round robin project of international scope worked is that a basic design was created by each of the six participants in three groups. I was in group two.I transferred mine to a background cloth and divided it into six sections and worked the first one. It is hand appliqued using a freezer paper method. Meaning each piece was transferred to and then cut out of the FP with an added narrow seam allowance which was then turned under before each paper covered shape was blind stitched into place on my chosen background fabric. I completely covered every bit of my worked section and sent it out into the world.
Included was a note to use full-strength colors ... meaning no pastels, nor muted tones. I also stated my preference that the piece be quilted after it returns to me. I requested that each name be written on the fabric covering a worked section (those have since been pieced together as the backing).

Carol in Wales was the first to get it. I'm sure she figured out that the section she chose was the other half of a face. The pink area is hand-dyed cheese cloth while the blue is machine felting. And then there is painted tyvec and newsprint as well as beads.
It was then sent onto Nancy in Canada who filled the bottom right section with wild colors and pieced it together with lots of texture.
Betty in Alabama was the last one to work on it and hand appliqued silks and crystalline fabric in the bottom left section. Her points could not be any sharper and the scattered beads sparkle on that rich, deep, shining blue.

In the meantime, Anne Marie of Canada was the third corpse mistress to add her talent to the upper right section. She suspected my design was a variation of a NY Beauty. She was a little surprised by that after checking out my blog and not seeing much traditional work. So she decided that my "traditional" block wasn't going to be very traditional, if she had anything to say about it. She even included orange snake skin pleather on the point pieces.
Paula in Maine painted the upper left section and then filled in the shapes with beads ... and then more beads to create radiating patterns.

Included in my package were six postcards from my 100 Lake Series with instructions for each corpse mistress to select one as a thank you for contributing to my piece. The one that came back with the completed corpse is my memory/reminder of the experience for this second round.
One of the postcards from this mini series of eight was an exchange with Susan Lenz and is part of her Cyber Fyber exhibition that opens January 8th. Susan created a blog about the exhibition here.

There is also a blog about all the Exquisite Corpse Textiles from the first round as well as posts about this second one as each corpse is revealed.

Now to get busy and add my finishing touches to this wonderful piece.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

New Work

It was a long time coming, but I finally made it to my delightful new studio space to create some collage work. From Thanksgiving until now my time had been taken up by so many things that art had been put on the back burner. It felt great to light that fire again!

The collage shown is available in my Etsy shop. **SOLD**

© Nancy Lefko

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas at Home

Better late than never, here is a glimpse at the decorations that grace the Lefko home this Christmas season. The tree pictured above is in our front living room and is decorated entirely in vintage Shiny Brite ornaments, many of which graced the Christmas trees of my childhood.

The Dickens village and the tree pictured below brighten our family room and greeted Santa Claus upon his arrival.

My retro pink tinsel tree in our foyer gives the Christmas decor a funky twist.

I hope your Christmas was filled with love and laughter and I wish you all the best in the New Year!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Exquisite Corpse Round 2 - Carol's Piece

Throughout this past year I've participated in a second round of Exquisite Corpse making, Go here to read the premise and beginnings of our project. This one belongs to Carol Taylor of Wales.
The design that Carol drew was based loosely on a Celtic swirl, but included diamonds and dots too.
She had enclosed pieces of brown silk and annealed copper mesh plus a request that aqua be included among our color choices.
Here is my contribution to Carol's Celtic banner.
I laid the bits of silk and deconstructed metallic threads and yarn as well as roving over the background of the square. The shapes were traced from her drawing on freezer paper over a light table and cut out of silk fabrics. The whole section is constructed in my "ortwork" technique, which is a form of collage. The pieces are placed and layered and then "trapped" under tulle netting. Machine quilting holds everything in place. I finished by couching metallic cording over the edges of the shapes as well as outlining the diamond shapes at the top of my square.

My finished corpse was waiting, still in its sealed envelope, for me to get Carol's finished and to the post office. It was difficult not to rip into mine until my obligation to the group project was fulfilled. Soon I'll post about my piece.

Arlee, the originator and "Grand Corpse Vizieress", is gathering another group of corpse mistresses for a 3rd round. The deadline for participation is January 15th. Go to Arlee's blog to leave a comment or find her email address if you have interest in "playing" in this international project.

Go to the Exquisite Corpse blog to see photos and read about the creative processes of all the corpse mistresses as they reveal their corpses as well as talk about the sections they've created on others.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Joy

With only a few days left to prepare for Christmas, I will shift into overdrive and start my cookie baking. (Eight days without power sort of put a crimp in my baking, but now is as good a time to start as any.)

The wrapping is done, more or less, and I have but a few small things to pick up at stores tomorrow. Another storm is forecast for Christmas Eve, so I plan to stay home then and enjoy my favorite day of the Christmas season...for me, it even tops the big day. Something my kids just don't understand :)

With my last post before Christmas, I would like to wish you all a blessed day surrounded by those you love. The power outage kept me from visiting your blogs as regularly as I would have liked these past ten days or so, but I always appreciate that you are stopping by to visit with me here.

Merry Christmas my friends!!

© Nancy Lefko

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Love list!

Hmmm… I'm ridiculously in love with my new clutch; whoever thought of shopping therapy deserves heaven. I have been looking at it in complete awe wondering how I ever lived without it Well not to that extent but you get the picture of how obsessed I already am. And I haven't even worn it out yet!! I'm also in love with Jason Mraz's Album. One song in particular "details in the fabric", is on repeat one too many times on my laptop

Other things on my current LOVE list are:

Grey's anatomy season 5; I need more.

My tripod; which I've had for about 6 month and hardly used, now I'm obsessed with it and it's permanently set up in my room just for my viewing pleasure.

Lady Gagas's hair; which would never suit me, but I still love.

My DYI studded headband; which is currently and almost always on my head.

Lykke li's voice; especially in "until we bleed".

Vintage pictures; I'm dying for a Lomo camera.

My absolute lack of drama; due to my hiding away under a rock for the past week. Which leads to my new state of apathy which although I don't love I also don't mind.

Just a random reason... Just because!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Wish

In addition to Santa Claus and Fairy Godmothers, you can add Power Company Linemen to the list of those who make wishes come true.

After a devastating ice storm hit New Hampshire last Thursday night, power company workers from all across the country came to help restore power to those 424,000 homes affected by the outages.

At our house we spent eight long days hooked up to generator power and, although better off than many, it was a very trying time. When the power truck made its way to our street today there was great rejoicing!

Shortly after our power was restored, Mother Nature thought a snowstorm was in order. As I write this a gentle snow continues to fall. When all is said and done, ten inches of new snow will blanket the ground. I think of those workers who continue to labor over the fallen lines, many of whom will be far from home on Christmas Day and still working for our benefit. I think of those who are still without power in their homes and may not have that restored until after the new year. New Hampshire and parts of Massachusetts have never seen such devastation. If you can say a quiet prayer for those still in need, it will be greatly appreciated.

May all of YOUR Christmas wishes come true.

© Nancy Lefko

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

You're so badass!

I went to a photoshoot with my best friend where she was modelling, although i wasn't the photographer, i tagged along for some spectating and a chance to learn a bit from a more experienced photographer.

Just happened to be that this photographer was nice enough to let me use the set to snap a few photos with my camera.
There was no theme to begin with but as we shot it came to be acting as a badass, which she flawlessly nailed after a considerable amount of not-so-badass shots.
Much love to my gorgeous model and the amazing photographer for lending me the set <3

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ho! Ho! Hee! Hee! Ho! Ho!

I've just celebrated the holidays with my friends in Milwaukee. All of them are of "certain age" and appreciated the humor of these gag gifts. Of course, they each got something else of a more serious nature that was created in my studio. But I sure had a giggle making these.

These slippers are:
* Soft and Hygienic
* Non-slip grip strips on the soles
* Built in deodorant feature keeps feet smelling fresh
* No more bending o ver to mop up spills
* Disposable and biodegradable
* Environmentally safe

The inspiration for these came in a forwarded email from one of my friends. It went like this:

Somewhat embarrassing to admit, Christmas is tight this year.
I will be making bedroom slippers for you
all as gifts. Please let me know your sizes. You'll most likely agree
that it's a splendid idea, and should you wish to do the same, I've
included the instructions below.

How to make bedroom slippers :
You need four maxi pads to make a pair.
Two of them get laid out flat, for the foot part.
The other two wrap around the toe area to form the top.
Tape or glue each side of the top pieces to the bottom of the foot part.

Decorate the tops with whatever you desire, silk flowers (this is most
aesthetically appealing), etc.

Of course, these are a pass it along it your friend kind of gift. I wonder how many times each pair will be regifted.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Nandina Berries in the House

After writing the post last night about the swags and garland made with the evergreens and berries, I just had to bring sprigs of those berries in the house for a bit of holiday cheer. Adding a piece of ribbon from the wrapping box and two flower ornaments make a cheery setting.
This opening is above my kitchen sink. It's as good as having a window since it lets in natural light from ,as well as the view of our courtyard entry. There is always a bouquet of whatever is in season on this shelf. After the first of the year it may be nosegay bouquets of pansies or even a few floating in that art glass piece. The plum fairy mixing a bowl of something sugary is in permanent residence ... usually sitting on that blue cow. Last year she shared this space with geriatric Elvis and friends.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Decorating For Christmas

The extent of decorations for Christmas at our house is limited to outside this year since we celebrate the holidays up north with our children's families leaving well before the 25th and coming back after the new year. Also, it's my gift to our immediate neighbors.
I collected holly boughs and evergreen branches from trees on the extensive property owned by the condo association on our morning walks. Magnolia leaves from the tree plus bunches of Nandina berries and branches of red leaves from the shrubs in our yard accent the five holiday swags I constructed to hang between the garage doors in our pod of condos.
I love those Nandina bushes dripping with berries all winter long. In fact I'm fascinated by the abundance of shrubs and trees that stay green through the winter here in Tennessee.
A couple of buildings have stands of Nandinas between the garage doors that began as transplanted seedlings from those in our yard.

The rest of the greenery became a garland for this iron gate. It's my present for a friend who's also a neighbor, but lives in a different set of buildings. She never knows when, or if, I'm going to do this. She either finds me fiddling around at her entrance or discovers it when she comes home.
I stuck the leftovers in this pot located in the walkway leading to her gate.
I've found that branches placed in pots of soil will last until about Valentine's Day in this climate. I call them winter bouquets.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Two More Birds

One made by me as a Christmas present for a friend. It's similar to one I made for another friend this past summer.
And a second bird made by Kay Susan in England. Go here to see more photos and read the delightful tale that involves this "Rockin' Robin".
There's just one more little bird that I have yet to make before I fly north for the holidays on Monday.