Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Clean Plate Deserves A Fortune Cookie

I've had mixed feelings about this "clean" plate.  There have been moments when I've looked forward to scrapping this piece that was created to meet last months challenge for "Interpret This" and using the "good" parts for something else.  Now that there's a fortune cookie on it, I LOVE IT!  After all, a clean plate deserves a treat.  Doesn't it?

"Clean Plate Club" (17"x 13")

I saw a fortune cookie made from fabric online sometime ago.  At that time I made  one up thinking that I'd make more as funky presents for friends.  It had crossed my mind to have one in this piece.  However, I misplaced it and had not bookmarked that site.  The deadline came for the "Interpret This" challenge piece and I had run out of time to look any further in my studio or online.

I've been spring cleaning in my studio and found the baggie with the  supplies I had gathered to make Christmas fortune cookies plus the completed one.  I made up another with the perfect fabric that makes it look real.  Woo Hoo!  Now the piece is complete.

I'd like to share with you how I made the cookie.  Cut a piece of fabric large enough for two circles.  Fuse a light-weight stabilizer to it.  Draw one circle on the wrong side, or stabilized side, of the fabric.

Fold the fabric in half with right sides together.  Machine stitch around the complete circle.  I shortened the stitch to 2.0 on my Pfaff.

Trim  away the excess fabric close to the circle with pinking shears.

Make a 3/4" long slit through the stabilizer and one layer of fabric.  Use tweezers to turn the circle right side out.

Press the circle with an iron to smooth the outside edge.

Fold in half with right sides together.

Sew a line of stitching as shown.

Flip, or fold back, each side to the center to form a fortune cookie.

Press a crease on each side with an iron.

Write a fortune on a strip of paper and slip it inside.

Mine says, "Be direct.  Usually one can accomplish more that way."

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