Mother nature produces some magnificent light shows in numerous night storms over Lake Michigan, especially in the month of June earlier this summer (go here to read a bit about some of those storms). During the first of those that we experienced, my older son and I got caught on the beach. A great amount of rain had fallen and made large puddles on the beach. Thinking the storm was over, we went to check them out and got caught there by lightening from another storm. It was very scary to run and crouch every five feet till we were off the beach ... soaking wet and shaking, but safe. I knew right then there were quilts about lightning storms at night in my near future.
The first one (#58) was presented to that adventurous son on his 42nd birthday last week. It was a challenge to capture the quality of night let alone lightening bolts. However, by the time this one was finished, I was ready to make more.
This next one (#61) I thought to stop long enough to take pictures during the construction process. The first layer in all the lake quilts is made up of larger scrap pieces. I chose dark valued ones for a night storm.
That layer get a spritz of temporary adhesive to hold the small fabric bits and threads in place. A metalic silver fabric was cut in slivers to portray the bolts of lightening and their reflections in the water. Dark colored wool roving helps to obscure some details while light value roving colors and highlights the clouds. All these night storm pieces are finished with a layer of black tulle netting.
This is the piece that was used to demonstrate my quilting techniques at Good Good's gallery last Saturday.
I took a break from the night storm pieces to make this large one that represents the kind of days we had the last week of August.
Good Good's show cased this one at their entry door on the street level (the gallery is upstairs).
To view and read about lake quilts featuring stormy daytime weather so here and here.
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