Sunday, March 16, 2008

Illustration Friday ~ Heavy

This week's topic, HEAVY, proved to be a bit of a challenge for me. The word just did not seem to fit my lovely vintage vixens or sweet little children. But it did bring to mind a feeling that I sometimes have...that of a heavy heart.

The inspiration for this collage is that which, at times, makes my heart feel heavy. With a high school age son who has but a scant two years before college, I find myself thinking of his departure and what that will mean to me and the rest of the family. My heart feels heavy when I imagine the house without him in goes this one heart takes flight, another is left behind feeling somewhat heavy.

While working on the piece it occurred to me that it might also be a metaphor for the feelings I endured when I lost my father, almost exactly four years ago. He had made peace with his impending flight from this world, but I was left with a heart so heavy it was palpable.

This collage was a departure from the lightness and mirth of much of my work, but for me it was a wonderful experience filled with emotion. I also found that it was challenging, and also quite gratifying, to have my collage work take center stage without the aid of a beautiful young girl as the focal point.

I will close this post with all good wishes for lightness and joy in your hearts.

© Nancy Lefko

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