Friday, June 20, 2008


The very day after I wrote my 'motivational post' about taking risks and putting yourself out into the world, I received my first rejection letter. (Don't ya just love irony?)

I had submitted a trio of collages to an art magazine. Apparently, my work was not exactly what they needed at this time. Okay, I understand. But that didn't make me feel any better, even when the voice of logic was screaming in my ear that this was but my first submission. What was I thinking? That the magazine would immediately scoop up my collages for a featured article? Alright, I suppose I was hoping, but clearly not thinking realistically.

I felt the strong temptation to mope over my bad luck, but decided to listen to my own words from the day before. I went right back to my studio and made a series of ATC's with inspirational messages.

My dear friend Diana had suggested that I make collages in this size. I thought this was the perfect opportunity for me to do so. Simply the act of creating collages with an upbeat message made me feel better. I hope they make you smile as well, as your support and encouragement give me the courage to take another chance and send those rejected collages off to another publication. I may be down, but I'm not out.

This ATC has sold, but others are available in my Etsy shop .

© Nancy Lefko

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